Miss Palmer here sitting in the airport reflecting on an amazing week. We saw so much every activity packed day that it seems like we were gone for a month not a week. These trips are a lot of work but so rewarding. (Hazel is just one of former students who have gone on to pursue an aspect of Marine Biology after the trip) North Collins students are a pleasure to travel with - energetic, well behaved and respectful.
I hope you have all enjoyed following the blog. This truly is an amazing opportunity for these students. Thank you to the parents for your support in making this possible. We are very fortunate to live in a district that still recognizes the value of these trips.
I could not do this with out the help of the other chaparones. Lisa Brosnick was my right hand in preparing the last 8 months for this trip. I am glad that her husband Randy could help out as a chaparone on yet another trip. Former NC grads and MBC alumni Rhonda Brinkman and Hazel Wodehouse were great with the students as well.
It will be a challenge to be back to the hustle and bustle on Monday after living on "island time". Crazy as it seems, I will be starting to plan next year's trip this Tuesday with a new group of eager students - Mother's Day Plant Sale next week!!
Thank you again chaparones and students for a fantastic week.